What’s next? Robot Olympics?

| dlacord | Friday, October 23rd, 2009 at 12:36 pm

At a recent International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, scientists presented hundreds of papers on how robotics can come into play in such diverse tasks as making energy technologies more affordable, assisting with hearing aid implantation and teaching Braille, and controlling unmanned helicopters.

That’s all important stuff, but here’s what’s really cool: A skiing robot, presented by Bojan Menec from the Jozef Stefan Institute.

The robot uses the carving ski technique, according to Menec’s abstract, and “is capable of autonomous navigating between the race gates, avoiding obstacles and maintaining a stable position during skiing on a previously unknown ski slope.”

According to CNET News, Nemec says the robot could test ski equipment or be a model for virtual-reality skiing. The robots probably won’t be clogging ski areas any time soon, although they probably could replace ski instructors.

Deb Acord

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