Colorado Governor Hospitalized From Bike Accident

, | UltraRob | Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 at 6:18 pm

Bill Ritter, Colorado’s governor, is a cyclist and has supported cycling in the state. The Denver Post reports that he crashed this morning on a bike ride. He has broken 5 or 6 ribs and is expected to stay in the hospital overnight but will be Ok.

I haven’t found many details but it seems he touched wheels with one of the other bikes in the group. Most likely that would mean he touched the wheel in front of him. Even for experienced cyclists, it’s tough not to crash in that case. The one in front isn’t nearly as likely to crash.

Remember to look well up the road to anticipate changes in speed rather than looking directly at the rider in front of you to minimize this type of accident. Also always wear your helmet when you’re out riding. Fortunately Governor Ritter did have is helmet on since it’s reported that he hit his head.

Be safe out there!


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0 responses to “Colorado Governor Hospitalized From Bike Accident”

  1. Fonk says:

    I think it's very cool that he can still get out for group rides. Shit, I don't even hardly get out for group rides anymore, and I'm no governor…

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