Here’s a funny video about cyclocross. I’ve seen it before but thought I’d post it since cyclocross season is starting. It seems that cyclocross is continuing to get bigger in the US.
For those that aren’t familiar with it, cyclocross is a from of bike racing that takes place during the fall and winter. The race courses can be a mix of dirt and pavement. It’s also common for there to be plenty of mud. Traditionally there have been barriers where riders dismount and run. Over the last couple years, the barriers have started going away.
The bikes look similar to road bikes but have more clearance for the tires. This allows for wider tires and also keeps the mud from jamming up as bad.
I raced a lot of cyclocross back in the early ’90s and even raced National Championships in 1992. Back then it was little known in the US and it has become much more competitive.
Below is video from the 2009 Colorado State Cyclocross Championships. It brings back many memories of racing in snow and having trouble staying upright.
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